Generosity is our privilege because Jesus was first generous towards us. Join with the vision of ALCF to make an impact in our community.
If you are mailing a check for 2024 year-end giving, it must be received no later than Saturday, January 4, 2025 and dated on or before 12/31/2024. Thank you for your faithful partnership with us to touch the lives of so many people here at home and abroad.
A giving box is located in the back of the sanctuary.
Please endorse checks to “ALCF”
and mail your tithes & offerings to:
PO Box 50037
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Tax-deductible securities such as stocks or mutual funds afford donors an attractive means of giving to ALCF.
Employee matching gifts are donations an employer makes to match its employees' charitable contributions. Find out if you organization has an employee matching gifts program.
For instructions on how to access your giving statement from your ALCF Church Community Builder’s account, go to
“As for the rich in this present age,
charge them not to be haughty,
nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God,
who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.
They are to do good,
to be rich in good works,
to be generous and ready to share,
thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future,
so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.”
I Tim 6:17–19